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Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Why Your Dream Job Will Remain Just That, “A Dream”

By Selipha Kihagi

Do you constantly spend time thinking about what it would be like working for a certain organization? Or are you constantly talking about that dream job to your peers and family, saying how you will one day work there?

If your answer to the above questions is Yes, then you are still not at your dream job and you are constantly wishing that an opportunity will present itself, that the numerous applications you keep sending will get noticed.

Well, the bad news is they won’t! You are probably going to keep dreaming about that job years and years to come, and this is why.

Why You Are Still Not At Your Dream Job

1. You don’t believe in yourself and your passion
Your dream job means that you have a passion to do a certain thing and you want to implement this passion on the job. The reason you are still sitting pretty waiting for an opportunity is because you don’t believe in your passion and yourself enough to do something about it.

‘Your greatest enemy is your belief that you cannot find a career that is linked to your passion,” says Phillipe Desrochers in his book ’99 Things You Wish You Knew Before Landing Your Dream Job”.

2. You Know nothing about the company you want to work for
Having a dream job is one thing, and doing something about it is another. No matter how many times you send applications to the organisation or go for interviews, if you don’t know what that company is looking for, you will not get the job.

This is not the usual company background before an interview, it is the IN and OUT of the company so you can communicate your value appropriately when time comes.

3. You are a Loner
Sometimes people want to keep to themselves, they want to mind their own business. While there is nothing wrong with this, it contributes greatly to how you progress in your career.

Talking to the right people about wanting to work for a certain company is what will get you there. Avoid being a loner, make the effort to interact with people who are familiar with that specific company – you never know who is listening.

To get that dream job, you must be a proactive jobseeker. Don’t just sit around and wait for the opportunity to come, go find the opportunity.

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The post Why Your Dream Job Will Remain Just That, “A Dream” appeared first on Career Point Kenya.Click on the TITLE link for the original.

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