The sooner you realize that your appearance speaks paragraphs about yourself before a word comes out of your mouth at an interview, the better equipped you will be to make those paragraphs work to your advantage.
What, then, should you absolutely, positively never show up to an interview in or with? Here are five things to avoid.
5 Ways to Turn Off The Interviewer
1. Wearing Clothes With inappropriate Logos
This one seems obvious, but apparently it isn’t. You know how sometimes we buy mtumba clothes with logos that tend to ‘advertize’ one thing or the other, or how we like those promotional T-shirts we were given? In many companies, these displays are considered inappropriate.
Avoid any logos on your interview outfit. Keep it simple—and chic or trendy or buttoned-up or low-key or whatever other word best describes the company culture.
2. Wearing Clothes That Don’t Fit in With the Company Culture
Speaking of company culture, it’s important to dress like you understand it. If you step into a bank looking like you’re ready for a night out, you’re more than likely going to stick out .
Likewise, if a conservative corporation suggests “business casual,” they probably do not mean “come in jeans.”
Part of the reason you get a job offer is because your future colleagues feel like you’re going to fit in. It is advisable to study what their people wear, and go one notch up. When in doubt, simply ask the person coordinating the interview for guidance.
3. Wearing Something That Makes You Look Like You don’t care
This includes wrinkled shirts, stained pants, scuffed-up shoes, a belt that’s seen its better days, an unshaven face, or something that fit you five years ago, before you gained (or lost) those 20 pounds.
People hire people who care. Look like you care. It’s as easy as taking out the iron the night before. After all, your interviewer is taking time out of his or her day to speak with you; the least you can do is look presentable.
4. Wearing Too Much Perfume
You’re there to prove that you can do this job, that you’re likable, and that you’ll be a great addition to the team. You are not there to seduce your future boss. Make sure to keep your scent light and your deodorant game strong.
5. Carrying Around a Negative Attitude
Are you a very emotional person? Well, if your emotions include anger, annoyance, pessimism, anxiety, or panic, consider taking some deep breaths before you walk in the doors. No one owes you a job, nor will they likely select you over the competition if you walk in with a noticeable attitude.
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